Living Through the Other Side of Fear

I’m finding myself in a very interesting and foreign space in my life. 2017 was a year of transitions, purging of unhealthy relationships, and making decisions with my health in mind first. Now I am able to stand firmer in my choices and marinate less on what other people with think of my decisions. I still get scared that a family member or friend won’t understand my choices, but afterward realize I’m doing what’s best for me and for the most part they are usually supportive. But now I’m finding myself in this unfamiliar territory of every day being even keeled with no situations for me to worry about. And this is strange to me.

I never realized how anxiety and fear presented itself in almost all of my thoughts. My fear and anxiety created mountains out of molehills. I mean even to make the smallest decisions I would think of ALL the possible outcomes and chose the “right” one rather than what’s right for me.  I’m realizing that I’m so used to living with fear that my mind and body are not used to calm.  My mind was so used to fear that it would create fearful scenarios out of almost anything. But now, as I’m deconstructing my fears, breathing deeply into these moments and exploring why I’m scared, I realize they are all only rooted in one fear: what I THINK others will think of me.  That fear isn’t even a serious threat, yet my mind can trigger my body into thinking that it is.

I felt I needed to share this with you. If you’re in this transition period. Stay.With.It. BREATH DEEPLY. Even though it would be easy to just go back into the days of perpetual daily crises, there’s a great comfort on the other side of ease. It’s a foreign experience to not have daily problems, but it exists. You’re almost on the other side of fear and there’s such an empowerment and freedom when fear no longer dictates every aspect of your life. 

Much courage, strength, trial and error.

To a NamaStellar Life.


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