So much to say! SPEAK YOUR TRUTH!

I’ve been hibernating 🙂 I’ve learned so much ! And I want to share, I don’t know where to begin!

I think the point that I want to emphasize in this post is that EVERYONE, has a purpose! There’s a saying that everyone in your life is there for a reason, a season, or a lifetime, and that’s so true.  Yes, including toxic relationships, friendships,  and family that you’ve had to break away from. Those individuals mirrored the lesson you were trying to learn at that time. The lessons continue to reappear through different relationships until you really process and make peace with the experience. One example is growing up, I experienced emotional trauma from my parents. They were supposed to be my life caregivers, and be my foundation of love/care/stability. But through my healing, I realized they were hurt souls, continuing a cycle of hurt.  As a result, growing up, I then continued to attract friendships and even work relationships with hurt individuals who expressed themselves by hurting/mistreating me (as well as others around them). It wasn’t until I processed learning to love my spirit, my purpose, my essence, etc. did I start attracting like minded, healed, happy people into my life. I had rebuilt my foundation of love, from within. I didn’t need an external person to give me love/care/stability.

From this space, of being healed, and seeing others going through the healing process, I realize, I have something to offer, something to help others. Especially others who are trying, who are in a place of transitioning to making a better life for themselves, or who are sick and tired of repetitive cycles/experiences that no longer serve  a purpose. What I’ve experienced is that being intuitive, I “feel” things about my friends or acquaintances, that they don’t know yet or realize.  So as they talk to me, I understand, their context, and what life lesson they are trying to learn in a given situation. It’s very obvious to me, and when I give advice, sometimes they don’t always take it. Or they eventually do  but at a much laaaater time. I’ve learned that that is one of my purposes. To be a listening ear, a shoulder to cry on, and offer gentle guidance in a direction of truth for my family and friends. Sometimes, complete strangers will tell me personal experiences or issues they are going through.

So I guess what I want to share for now is speak truth. If you feel you are intuitive, empathic, highly sensitive, your purpose is not only to heal yourself, but through your healing, you can help others heal. I’ve been put in many uncomfortable situations, and I’ve realized, I’m there for a reason. Usually, if it involves other people, it’s not my lesson to learn, but I’m supposed to plant a seed of truth, so clarity can grow in others. (This sentence I got from an acquaintance I was talking to about this, and I just had to write it!)  I’m there to speak truth. Of course, do it in a kind and gentle way. Usually, people will be in a space to receive what you are saying.

I hope this resonates with you !

Much Love to you,





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