Winning the Lottery, Raising Young Kids, and Spouses Who don’t Believe in LOA

This weekend, I attended my first Abraham Hicks Workshop, and it was ABSOLUTELY EXHILARATING!  Esther and Abraham’s messages have really resonated with me, and I came across them about 1 year ago when I was looking for a solution to constantly picking up other people’s energy, which made me so tired by the end of the day.  (I’ll write more about that in another post 🙂 )

I was prepared to ask 3 questions. 

  1. How do I manifest a lottery win (yes this is one of my manifestations), when I’m able to visualize and FEEL everything from chosing a financial advisor, opening up banks accounts, investing in philanthropy programs, to walking into the lottery office, to taking a picture with the check, but lose faith whenever I don’t have the winning ticket?
  2. How do I stay aligned as a parent with 2 young children?
  3. How to I share my wonderful experiences when my spouse does not acknowledge the Law of Attraction (even though he is a great, unconscious, manifester)?

The room was packed, and there were 1,500 people!! The energy was fun, light, filled with really good vibes! At the beginning of the workshop, Esther explained that if you have a question, even if you are not picked, Abraham will select someone who will have a question that most people in the room have. I didn’t raise my hand. And all 3 of my questions were answered, and then some!

Answer to question 1:

EinsteinThis all boils down to frequently asking from a place of not having the money. By regularly practicing being in alignment with your Higher Self, Source, Infinite Energy, God, just for the pleasure of being in alignment, throughout the day, ALLOWS you to FEEL larger than life and filled with abundance. You can do this by setting aside 5 – 15 mins a day of quiet time, meditation, or just breathing. (I personally enjoy playing in my head all the people, experiences, and things I am grateful for in my life. I occasionally listen to Chakra Suite by Steven Halpern at night. Do whatever it is that quiets your mind.)When you are comfortably able to be in this space, and it takes practice, then you emotionally FOCUS into the experience of you having the abundance of money. When you are aligned with your Higher Self, that’s your TRUE state of being, you’re secure, have EVERYTHING at your disposal, so you just have to chose how you’d like to see it expressed in your physical manifestation. This is where you have confidence and hold firm, CONSISTENT knowing, that will persist no matter what the  physical world presents, until the matching experience makes its way to you.  It’s from this space you ask for your desires, e.g. “It WILL be fun when I get my raise” or “It WILL be fun to meet a project manager who can help me”, etc. (This is where I would slow down the speed of manifestation, I would always “check” if I won the money, and get upset when I saw a “losing” ticket.)  Another way that surprisingly made a lot of sense to my logical mind, was an article I read by Bashar, where he states that there are soooooo many parallel realities for us that already exist, it’s just a matter of chosing which reality/experience we want to make more visible/tangible.  This comforted me to know, that all the possibility of experiences I’ve ever thought up, already exist, and all I have to do is focus on them, like focusing a camera lense to see a clear picture. With that said, I immediately felt that winning that lottery was a done deal, and all I have to do is purchase a ticket when the value reaches the number I’ve been requesting. Just like placing an order on Amazon and KNOWING that the item will come.  

Answer to question 2:  Only talk to your children when you’re in alignment. 108220275If you have a child who’s “strong willed”, or even gets aggressive, the best thing to do is see your child through the eyes of your Higher Self, and shower him/her with love. Whatever feelings your child stirs in you, it’s YOUR responsibility to address, not your child’s.  Abraham said practice when your child is sleeping, to remember how beautiful and how loving your child is, how beautiful his/her birth was, and enjoy how loving and peaceful your child is. It is from this space, you meditate in the morning that you will enjoy wonderful experiences with your child and that even when tantrums, meltdowns arise, there will be less, they will be manageable, but you will look at those moments with patience. If there’s a power struggle, at that moment is that argument that serious? Shrug your shoulders and let it go. He also said your Higher Self sees EVERYONE as an expression of Infinite Energy.  Kids teach us that sometimes we care more about the judgments of societal norms rather than just allowing him/her to just BE.

Answer to question 3:It’s not your concern what others are doing, including your family members, just focus on your vortex and your alignment. They will just enjoy the ride of wonderful manifestations!  So what if family of four on grass with hands upthey understand the LOA or not. Your purpose on earth is to enjoy this playground of energy, co-create, manifest to your hearts desire and expand!  In your creating desires, you are expanding Infinite Energy 🙂

Have a great week!

Namaste 🙂

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