Did Ancient Civilizations know about the Laws of the Universe?

Hello Everyone,

My ever constant-thinking-brain had me wondering, when and where did the Laws of the Universe appear? How did they get passed down? And did the Ancient Civilizations know about these Laws?  Well the Universe heard me and through a series of Google searches to the far end of the internet, serendipitously delivered to me this gem of a book called “Ancient Future” by Wayne B. Chandler.


Ancient Future 7 Laws of the Universe Wayne B. Chandler

YES! Ancient Civilizations did understand the Laws of the Universe, and they all learned from the Ancient Egyptians.  They were conscious people. This book is jammed packed with historical references explaining the diffusion of the Laws, how they were passed on to the Greeks, Chinese, and East Indians, and how they’ve influenced their philosophies and cultures.  Hermes was the name the Greeks used to personify this body of knowledge related to the Seven Laws of the Universe, and therefore they are often referred to as the 7 Hermetic Laws.

The 7 Laws/Principles of the Universe are:

  1. The Principle of Mentalism, Concept of the All or God
  2. The Principle of Correspondence (“outer”world corresponds to “inner”world)
  3. The Principle of Vibration (the Law of Attraction is a part of this principle)
  4. The Principle of Polarity
  5. The Principle of Gender
  6. The Principle of Rhythm  (ages of mankind, earth’s biorhythm, individuals propensity for the universe to move towards increased consciousness)
  7. The Principle of Causation (action/reaction – as it relates to civilizations, individuals, and globe)

One of the most mind boggling nuggets of information was the correlation of the earth’s biosphere corresponding to the world’s sacred sites, including the Great Pyramid of Giza and Machu Pichu.


Earth’s electromagnetic grid or “ley lines”. Photo Credit Brian Hyland WordPress.

I HIGHLY recommend digesting this book! Use a new highlighter and post-its!  I felt so enlightened after reading, felt that I am living in the right era, and felt reinforced in my purpose to continue with raising my consciousness while helping others to do the same.




Manifesting Different Circumstances as an INFJ/Empath

Helllllo Everyone!

Two years ago, I came to a point in my life where I was in deep “dealing” with issues in all areas in my life. I took lead in handling my parents’ health, family adjustments with a teen going through a developmental spurt, and was working with a few demanding families at work.  I was giving my all and literally had nothing more to give.  I was exhausted.  I started to wonder whether I was going to spend the rest of my life helping others? I didn’t want to! I wanted to ENJOY MY OWN LIFE too!

As an Empath, I had been such an emotional sponge, I never took the time to take care of myself. I was always caring for others. So I never really had the time to explore and resonate in my own feelings.  And in turn, I was repeatedly attracting situations of individuals and circumstances that required my constant attention and help.  Attracting people who always relied on others to solve their problems.  Circumstances that were so intertwined and convoluted, that once one problem was solved another would arise. These weren’t my manifestations.  So, how could I stop this?  What could I ask for  or want in order to manifest different people and circumstances?

I asked for peace of mind. I didn’t come to this immediately.  It slowly developed over time. I addressed each “situation” one at a time.  First, I started by wanting less demanding families, then suddenly those families were removed from my caseload.  Then I asked for some help, relief, and solutions with managing my parents’ healthcare, then suddenly two family members’ schedules allowed them to be more available to help, and a neighbor was able to refer me to a health care manager who  was willing to help me for free!  I then asked for clarity and resolution for the family conflicts due to the teenage developmental growth spurt, and surprisingly an opportunity presented itself that was a wonderful solution for all of us!

So now, my daily life was so much less stressful, and I was enjoying more peace on a daily basis!  This new space allowed me to focus on myself.  I didn’t realize how much time, hours, weeks, months I’d  spent on others! Now that this time and space was freed, I could use that time to imagine all sorts of possibilities for myself!  I could sit still and think about what I enjoyed doing, what I loved.   I wanted to balance my time.  Maintain regular alone down time for myself to recharge.  I also realized, I didn’t want to stop helping people, I just preferred getting feedback from people who actually used my advice.   I wanted to help people who were READY to be helped.  People who genuinely wanted to use my expertise.  That made me feel so purposeful and gave me joy to see how they’d improved their circumstances.  I cannot begin to explain to tell you the amazing stories my friends and acquaintances have shared with me!! And the other individuals who were dependent on me (and I’m sure others in their lives) to help solve their problems or were constantly in “negative” circumstances, just stopped calling or texting…and I also felt comfortable limiting my time with them.

The point I want to emphasize is that as Empaths, INFJs, we can manifest a life of peace, or mindful friends and circumstances. Our lives are not solely to help others.  I share this because I wish someone would have told me this! 🙂 With the abundance of manifestation guidebooks, I’ve yet to read that I could manifest difference social interactions.  Other people usually want to manifest objects, but you know material things are not that meaningful to us Empaths  🙂 

Happy Manifesting! I would love to hear your unconventional, creative manifestations !

Much Peace and Love,



$ Financial Abundance $

Hello World!

I’ve been so busy in the “real” world, I have not had a chance to share my thoughts!  I’ve been growing consciously, and experiencing wonderful opportunities, in addition to preparing for the opportunities.  I’ve also been hibernating, really taking quiet time for myself and not overdoing things. I’ve been serendipitously meeting other Empaths and sharing practical daily strategies for maintaining a healthy energy level.

In this post, I’d like to share some wonderful information about allowing financial abundance into your life.  I would say I am comfortable financially, but would like to do better. For example completely eliminate debt and have most of the money that comes to me available for me to spend on whatever I want (besides basic needs like food and shelter).  As an introvert, empath, overthinker, I find myself “stuck” in a pattern of belief that allowing money into my life requires effort, and that there’s resistance to allowing an abundance of money to come my way.  I’ve recently come across info that has seriously helped change my perspective about “getting more money” and as a result, I’ve been receiving various amounts of money in different ways!  Speaking engagements.  Parents requesting consultation time with me.  Requests to create printable handouts related to the pediatric therapy. Refunds.  Class action lawsuits Target and Burlington Coat factory!).  Overtime. And yes, some winning scratchers. 🙂

Address the Subconscious Negative Resistive Patterns about Money

  • Fill your spare time flooding your mind listening and reading about Loving Money. Your subconscious and ego seriously starts to soften to this information. You can never read or hear too much! And if a book or video doesn’t resonate with you, find another one. You’ve got a whole lifetime to listen to this stuff 🙂
    • YouAreCreators  YouTube page is filled with Money Loving videos. The MoneyLove audio by Jerry Gillies is on my playlist and I listen to it often!
    • The book “Dollars Flow to Me Easily” by Richard Dotts was a mental gold mine for me! money-flow-affirmation     He helps remind us that our natural state of being is always that of abundance. That’s REALITY.  All the other emotions we empaths have erroneously  absorbed, slow/stop the flow of abundance to us.   Also, it’s not so important how much you believe in a certain manifestation (even if it’s far fetched to you, it can still manifest!), or how frequently you visual it, but more importantly how often can you feel the essence of what you want. So for financial abundance, since our society has conditioned us to believe that it is essential to our living and security, we must take the time to feel secure, and comfortable as often as possible. Security and comfort are the essence of financial abundance.  You don’t even have to think about money when you do this.   Manifestation is supposed to ALWAYS be easy.  Great stuff!
  • Change the dynamics of your relationship with money, so that you can respect it. i-love-money-loves-me                  If money were a person, what would it say to you? Would it feel that you’ve appreciated all of the experiences and things it has allowed into your life? This one was so eye opening for me. Especially since I would frequently say/think “This check isn’t enough…My account balance isn’t enough…etc.” Everyday, designate 15 minutes to worrying about money, and spend the rest of your day giving money gratitude for everything in your life! Your clothes, shoes, socks, wallet, mode of transportation, food, shelter etc. You’ll be amazed at how abundant you are!
  • Another technique I learned was from Neville Goddard.  You talk to yourself as if you are your future self. Talk about your current (financial) situation as if it is in the past. Say to yourself “I remember when (present situation).  Now I (future/desired situation/experience).” For example, here’s one of mine:  “I remember when I used to worry so much about money. Now, I’m so comfortable with money, I don’t even have to think about it. It’s always coming to me!”  Be sure to speak in the present tense with the second piece of the statement.  This really helps get “unstuck” from those patterns of thinking.
  • If you have some money to spare, you can also try Hemi-Sync which is evidenced based binaural beats program by Dr. Joe Gallenberger. On the days that I use it, more serendipitous experiences occur including unexpected money and some small lottery scratcher wins 🙂 He’s compiled a ridiculous amount of evidence about psychokinesis (check out the link that has global research on the ability of the mind to manipulate matter) is incredibly fascinating.  He conducts workshops where you learn through the power of loving yourself, how to resonate at a high frequency (of allowance). In this state you can manifest anything, and he specifically conducts his workshops in Vegas so you can see immediate results (i.e. manipulating dice, cards, slot machines, bending spoons, etc.) If you have a very analytical mind,  very left brained thinker, or just a loud ego, this is truly helpful. I loved the Liquid Luck book. It comes with a CD that I try to listen to 1 – 2 times a week.  Also has some great strategies to address fear (which is the real reason we prevent things from manifesting), such as envisioning a tree of abundance and any negative thoughts get shred to compost, transform into nourishing, positive energy for your tree.

In reading Richard Dotts book, he states that he asks the Universe to convey clarity and abundance to the readers.  I think that’s such a beautiful thing! And so I too have asked the Universe to convey clarity, ease, manifestations, and love through all of these words I’m sharing. Let me know if this post has helped you! And if it has, I’d love to hear how 🙂

Till next time, continue to be NamaStellar!

Much Love,



Keeping Your Power- Fine Tuning your Manifestation Skills

I’d say that I’ve been “awakening”, realizing, experiencing, and appreciating how to deliberately manifest in my life, for 2 years now.  I’ve vacillated between being optimistic, excited about attracting something to me, then disappointed and sad when it doesn’t come. But I’m learning that this is the fine tuning part of the Law of Attraction and Manifestation.  I’m really FEELING the difference.  The more I release, the easier and less pressure I put on myself, and the gentler life FEELS 🙂

I’m going to use money as an example for fine tuning. I work part time, and I love what I do. I’m in healthcare so not only do I feel fulfilled, but the people I work with make meaningful progress, and that fulfills them.  I want to start my private practice. I felt that money would allow me to open my private practice sooner than later. (Of course I’ve thoroughly worked  and completed my business plan as well.) I gave myself a  year. It sounds ambitious, but I thought my passion + law of attraction skills could make this happen. But it didn’t. So this left me wondering what I was doing wrong. And I sought out the help of a psychic.

What I realize now, is that NO ONE other than myself can influence what I attract into my life. No matter how badly I want something. For months, this psychic “worked” with me, would request more money, until I had enough, and ended the relationship.  By going to someone else to “fix” my “problem”, or try to “expedite” the process, indicated I was FEELING a frequency of inadequacy, of neediness, and of lack. I didn’t realize it at the time, but by using the psychic as a crutch/tool, was another way of saying, I’m incapable, I can’t. I was giving away MY POWER.  This is the root of wanting the money. Without this money I am inadequate, with this money I am adequate.  That’s the fine tuning. Being able to live in a state of gratitude without the money for the private practice is where I stumbled. And this has been going on for a while now,  so I wanted to share because it was soo easy at this point to give up! But boy, Universal Source Energy keeps sending daily reminders not too 🙂 

This experience also made me realize that life isn’t meant to be a hierarchy of achievements, accomplishments, each outdoing the next.  I think that’s a concept our American society has subconsciously taught us, that there’s only one type of “best life” or “success”, when  really, Life is about creating a kind of life that is meaningful for your uniqueness.  So rather than viewing myself as less than because I didn’t open up a private practice or didn’t receive an abundance of money for this practice, I now view myself as perfect-as-is, a center focal energy point, in this present time space, ready to receive a variety of awesome experiences at some other time space, that will be an addition to my already abundant life. Enriching my sphere of life, and making it grow.  Not another step on the ladder to “success”.

So the fine tuning involves, reminding myself of the more accurate way of thinking. That I’m meant to continue to  lead a happy fulfilling life. I am enough. I’m always enough.  And just marinating in these thought regularly.  This is how you keep your power.  This power maintains the flow of effortless manifestations. 

Don’t give up. Be patient and kind to yourself. No matter how long you’ve had a thought pattern that’s hindered your manifestation(s). Just keep asking yourself WHY you WANT the desired item, person, or experience.  And gently work your thoughts from there.

Much LOVE,


Winning the Lottery, Raising Young Kids, and Spouses Who don’t Believe in LOA

This weekend, I attended my first Abraham Hicks Workshop, and it was ABSOLUTELY EXHILARATING!  Esther and Abraham’s messages have really resonated with me, and I came across them about 1 year ago when I was looking for a solution to constantly picking up other people’s energy, which made me so tired by the end of the day.  (I’ll write more about that in another post 🙂 )

I was prepared to ask 3 questions. 

  1. How do I manifest a lottery win (yes this is one of my manifestations), when I’m able to visualize and FEEL everything from chosing a financial advisor, opening up banks accounts, investing in philanthropy programs, to walking into the lottery office, to taking a picture with the check, but lose faith whenever I don’t have the winning ticket?
  2. How do I stay aligned as a parent with 2 young children?
  3. How to I share my wonderful experiences when my spouse does not acknowledge the Law of Attraction (even though he is a great, unconscious, manifester)?

The room was packed, and there were 1,500 people!! The energy was fun, light, filled with really good vibes! At the beginning of the workshop, Esther explained that if you have a question, even if you are not picked, Abraham will select someone who will have a question that most people in the room have. I didn’t raise my hand. And all 3 of my questions were answered, and then some!

Answer to question 1:

EinsteinThis all boils down to frequently asking from a place of not having the money. By regularly practicing being in alignment with your Higher Self, Source, Infinite Energy, God, just for the pleasure of being in alignment, throughout the day, ALLOWS you to FEEL larger than life and filled with abundance. You can do this by setting aside 5 – 15 mins a day of quiet time, meditation, or just breathing. (I personally enjoy playing in my head all the people, experiences, and things I am grateful for in my life. I occasionally listen to Chakra Suite by Steven Halpern at night. Do whatever it is that quiets your mind.)When you are comfortably able to be in this space, and it takes practice, then you emotionally FOCUS into the experience of you having the abundance of money. When you are aligned with your Higher Self, that’s your TRUE state of being, you’re secure, have EVERYTHING at your disposal, so you just have to chose how you’d like to see it expressed in your physical manifestation. This is where you have confidence and hold firm, CONSISTENT knowing, that will persist no matter what the  physical world presents, until the matching experience makes its way to you.  It’s from this space you ask for your desires, e.g. “It WILL be fun when I get my raise” or “It WILL be fun to meet a project manager who can help me”, etc. (This is where I would slow down the speed of manifestation, I would always “check” if I won the money, and get upset when I saw a “losing” ticket.)  Another way that surprisingly made a lot of sense to my logical mind, was an article I read by Bashar, where he states that there are soooooo many parallel realities for us that already exist, it’s just a matter of chosing which reality/experience we want to make more visible/tangible.  This comforted me to know, that all the possibility of experiences I’ve ever thought up, already exist, and all I have to do is focus on them, like focusing a camera lense to see a clear picture. With that said, I immediately felt that winning that lottery was a done deal, and all I have to do is purchase a ticket when the value reaches the number I’ve been requesting. Just like placing an order on Amazon and KNOWING that the item will come.  

Answer to question 2:  Only talk to your children when you’re in alignment. 108220275If you have a child who’s “strong willed”, or even gets aggressive, the best thing to do is see your child through the eyes of your Higher Self, and shower him/her with love. Whatever feelings your child stirs in you, it’s YOUR responsibility to address, not your child’s.  Abraham said practice when your child is sleeping, to remember how beautiful and how loving your child is, how beautiful his/her birth was, and enjoy how loving and peaceful your child is. It is from this space, you meditate in the morning that you will enjoy wonderful experiences with your child and that even when tantrums, meltdowns arise, there will be less, they will be manageable, but you will look at those moments with patience. If there’s a power struggle, at that moment is that argument that serious? Shrug your shoulders and let it go. He also said your Higher Self sees EVERYONE as an expression of Infinite Energy.  Kids teach us that sometimes we care more about the judgments of societal norms rather than just allowing him/her to just BE.

Answer to question 3:It’s not your concern what others are doing, including your family members, just focus on your vortex and your alignment. They will just enjoy the ride of wonderful manifestations!  So what if family of four on grass with hands upthey understand the LOA or not. Your purpose on earth is to enjoy this playground of energy, co-create, manifest to your hearts desire and expand!  In your creating desires, you are expanding Infinite Energy 🙂

Have a great week!

Namaste 🙂

When What You Want Hasn’t Come Yet!

It’s so frustrating, when you think you’ve been focused, and you get excited and look forward to getting the money/relationship/job/car etc., and then you keep looking for it and it doesn’t come! Some times, you’ll feel it coming, and you’ll see examples of it come into your life, but it’s not exactly what you asked for.  For example for me, I’ve been manifesting a white jeep wrangler. It’s been MONTHS! I see Jeeps EVERYDAY 🙂 But still no jeep..yet.  Clearly there’s something in my vibration that’s slowing the momentum of the Jeep entering my life. So, I had to revisit the basics of the law of attraction.

I watched The Secret over the weekend, and experienced so many AHA MOMENTSI’ve seen it twice, but at those specific points in my life, I hadn’t fully digested the law of attraction. I primarily practiced the asking part.  Here’s what I learned this time: 

Ask. Believe. Receive. 

The believing part doesn’t mean wishing or hoping. Because those feelings involves a distance between yourself and the object, as if it’s not achievable or farfetched. Believing means coming from the place of KNOWING you are made of the source that creates WORLDS (in the words of Abraham Hicks) . WHOAH!  Let that marinate for a bit. If I’m made of  the same source that create worlds, truly visualizing myself like an energetic beacon that literally attracts and repels people, objects, and experiences, I then truly  have the capacity to attract, on many levels, (energetically, spiritually, physically, emotionally) ANYTHING/PERSON/EXPERIENCE I WANT. Just as certain as you know your name or eye color, use that same level of certainty when asking. I BELIEVE that this slight shift, makes a true difference in the manifestation process, because by BELIEVING from this perspective, your thoughts stay so anchored, that no matter what you’re physically experiencing right at this moment, your subconscious KNOWS the thing/person/experience you’re requesting, IS COMING.  And that’s the receiving part. The feeling easy about what’s coming to you, because YOU KNOW it’s going to happen. And you don’t have to know or figure out the how part! That was such a relief for me, because I’m a worry wart, and spend sooo much time thinking of how I’m going to get what I want.  Think of your request like a planned event, such as a birthday party, and the Universe is the planner. The universe is orchestrating, planning, executing the HOW of how you are going to receive. Also another point, with the law of attraction you don’t need to search or find the thing you want, it always attracts itself to you 🙂  Searching and worrying = little to no faith in the universe, and this actually brings resistance to the attraction.I recently really got this message through my kids (they can be teachers too ya know!). I say, “Yes, you can have the cookie after dinner.” But then they keep asking me over, and over, and over, to the point that I don’t want to give them the cookie! LOL See how they introduced RESISTANCE

This is such a subtle distinction, but CRUCIAL to manifestation, because no matter how “big”  your ask, the manifestation process is always to be easy and fun. So when you are visualizing, or looking at your vision board, give yourself a gently reminder, “HELL YEAH, I AM SOURCE ENERGY HONEY!  What I want is being guided closer, and closer to me, right this moment!”  

Exercise of the Day: When you’re asking for something/person/experience, and it’s been a whiiiiile, measure how much you believe. Are you hoping? Are you wishing? Erase all your previous associations of “failure” and start each day with a fresh start, with a new energy 🙂 If there’s ANY doubt, remind yourself who you are 🙂


Slow Your Role Bully Brain!

I’m learning to deal with a bully in my life… my brain! Sometimes, it’s in the best mood, coming up with creative ideas, making the best decisions (raisins over skittles), and really enjoying life (living in the moment, not reliving the past or running through my list of future-things to-do)! Other times, it sabotages me with negative thoughts of can’ts/shouldn’ts.  Can you relate? This is where staying positive gets tricky. BUT BE PERSISTENT!  Staying in high vibration as much as possible allows the universe to continue to send you more fabulous experiences, people, and things.  Remember, like attracts like. 

The behaviorist in me is playing detective to determine when and why bully brain starts jibber-jabbering.  I’ve been tracking when my feelings of self-doubt, indecisiveness, and fear are the strongest. These feelings and thoughts come from the bully brain.  And I noticed (sadly), I hear negative thoughts the most after I’ve eaten way too much desert (sugar has a low vibrational frequency, therefore encouraging your cells to attract negative thoughts), if I’ve been sitting at the computer for HOURSSSSSS (no exercise = low vibrational energy level), or doing waaaaay too much in 1 day (rushing, worrying, or being anxious = low vibrational energy level).

  I was rushing driving to a lunch potluck, worrying about what people were going to think of me being late, and if they didn’t like the chips and dip I brought for the potluck, and should I have made some sort of casserole rather than buy something from the store, when I heard U2’s lyrics on the radio:

“… you’ve got to get yourself together, you got stuck in the moment, and you can’t get out of it.”  

I took this as a sign from the universe to mean SNAP OUT OF IT!!Slow your role bully brain!  The world will not end if I get to this get-2gether late! My co-workers will still enjoy working with me 🙂 And NO ONE will care whether I made the food or bought it. And just like that the bully brain shut up! It just stopped. I felt so accomplished in being able to do that! It’s in a moment like that, that you see how powerful and in control you truly are. No matter what bully brain is trying to make you believe, it’s always an inflation of your fears.  You always have the ability stop that negative monologue from continuing. I try to slow down, as much as I can, throughout as many moments of the day, as many times as I can remember to do so. Literally telling my bully brain to “Slow your role! Get back to the present moment!”

I have also found comfort in reminding myself in moments like that, that I am perfect 🙂 YOU ARE PERFECT 🙂 (Sometimes looking in the mirror helps take the seriousness of this arrogant statement and you can laugh with yourself!)  Just as all other natural entities, like the earth, sun, and stars are PERFECT.  We are all EXACTLY where we are meant to be in our lives. Seriously let that marinate… We are all EXACTLY where we are meant to be in our lives.

Activities of the day:

  1. There’s a time for everything.  And when that time comes, be fully engaged and present with the activity. Do not let bully brain rob you of an opportunity to enjoy your present time.  When you’re eating (I love food!), be fully present and enjoy every bite!  When you’re working, enjoy what you are working on, at that moment. Worrying, being anxious, rushing are examples of living in the future rather than the present moment.  Slow down on the multi-tasking. You’re splitting your energy all over the place. This tells the Universe you have to do multiple things at once because you don’t have enough time (scarcity mind set).  Staying present = high vibrations!
  2. Set aside some time everyday to schedule your list of things to-do onto your calendar. That’s the time to think about and plan your future.  Maybe you just start with working on your daily schedule. Once you’re comfortable doing that, then plan your weekly schedule. Then monthly. That way, you can ALWAYS tell bully brain and reassure your subconscious, “Don’t worry, I got this. I scheduled it on my calendar. :)”
  3. Track when the Bully Brain is the most active. This way, you can prevent it from getting out of control by:
  • COMPASSIONATELY (your soul and brain must co-exist peacefully 🙂 reminding yourself about how FABULOUS you ARE, thinking about your affirmations, and reminding yourself that you are EXACTLY where you are supposed to be.
  • Reducing and eventually eliminating the behaviors/activities that promote negative vibrations. So for example, I am working on decreasing my sugar intake. And before I eat, I remind myself that bully brain might start yelling and dominating my thoughts, but that I can tell bully brain to chill and “slow your role” 🙂 These activities promote manifestation-attracting high vibrations:
    • You HAVE to move. EVERY DAY.  Walk away from your desk HOURLY.  I hate working out, the gym is boring to me and repetitive, and weights kick my butt LOL BUT I LOOOVE to dance! So, 2-3 times a week, the headphones go on and I transform into a Dancing QUEEN!! Music also helps when doing tedious chores like dishes, laundry, and cleaning/organizing. What kinds of movement activities do you LOVE to do? That gets you in a zone?? Exercise = high vibration.  Joy=high vibration.
    • You HAVE to make time for yourself. Everything else in your life is scheduled, why not you? This time should involve doing absolutely nothing but breathing. Use that as a time to marinate on all the wonderful experiences, people, and things the universe has gifted you so far.  Gratitude = ultimate vibration! Even if you start for 30 seconds, and progress to a few minutes. Or every time you transition from one place to another, from room to room, home to the bus or car, take a few seconds to breathe deeply and give yourself that space and time.  That raises your vibrational energy!! We get so caught up in doing, but the reality is manifestations come into our reality when we are simply being. And manifestations ALWAYS come when we least expect it, meaning when our minds are clear of thinking of the past or worrying about the future.
    • Drinking water and eating healthy foods. I’m sure you’ve heard this many times before, but it’s so true. You are what you eat.  Different foods have different vibrational energies.
      • Fill up a sports water bottle (at least 20 oz) with water and sip on it throughout your day. Replace juices and sodas with water! Liven up your water with thin slices of cucumber for a few days, then maybe thin slices of lemon the next couple of days.
      • Add 1 -2 fruits to your lunch, like a banana or orange.  Then add veggies to your dinners (broccoli is one of the best).  Some blogs I like to get recipes from:

Sweet Dreams!


Meaning of Namaste

Namaste is a Sanskrit word and gesture meaning I respect your being, the light in your heart, and your essence.  The definition is written:

I honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells. I honor the place in you which is of love, of truth, of light, and of peace.  When you are in that place in you, and I am in that place in me, We are One.

Namaste 🙂

YOU have the Potential to Control EVERY Experience that comes into Your Life :)

I believe in the Law of Attraction. I experience it daily.  The LOA is a law (a for real, FOR REAL law, like gravity, it just exists) that states like attracts like.  Very simple. Therefore, you attract experiences into your life that your mind intentionally (and unintentionally) focuses on.  So you’re probably wondering, how’s that possible?

Well, our thoughts are energy.  We have nerve cells in our brains that are CONSTANTLY sending impulses to our body to breathe or move, CONSTANTLY interpreting our environment (and making judgements, but that’s for a separate post!), and CONSTANTLY sending electric impulses to our  to produce our own thoughts. “Gotta remember to take the chicken out of the freezer to thaw” “I need to pack my gym bag before I leave the house” “I’ll wear the red shirt today.No! Not for work.  I’ll wear the blue.” etc.  We tend to frequently produce self-talk, or chatter.  That’s that non-stop voice inside your head. You know, the one that screams “YESS! You.Are.The.Business!” when you’ve accomplished something amazing, like getting to work on time :), doing an exercise that used to be hard for you to do, or flawlessly doing your hair and make-up.  This voice, those thoughts you think, are energy.  What I just described are positive (intentional) thoughts. This voice can also FREQUENTLY produce (unintentional) destructive thoughts like “Why didn’t you <fill in the blank with what you thought you should have done> ? You’re so stupid!” These thoughts are also energy too.

So going back to thoughts are energy, and energy attracts similar energy, which type of self-talk do you think will attract more positive pleasant experiences throughout your day? And which will attract more “bad day” experiences?  According to University of California Laboratory of Neuro Imagining, we produce about 50,000 to 70,000 thoughts A DAY!!! 

Once you try to gather THOUSANDS of positive thoughts daily, you will attract positive experiences, with positive people into your life REGULARLY.  I KNOW this works because like I said, I experience this daily.

Activity of the day: Become your biggest fan!  Pat yourself on the back, for just EXISTING! Seriously! In the morning, wink at yourself, laugh, and try to talk yourself into going on a date with yourself 🙂 Throughout your day, remind yourself of how fabulous you are and what’s going good in your life 🙂 Marinate in those thoughts.  If this sounds overwhelming, you’re on the right path. Track your thoughts. How many times a day do you praise yourself and your efforts?  Seriously, I continue to practice this DAILY. Start small. Today, for 30 seconds you will lavish yourself with praise and compliments. Tomorrow, 1 minute. You get the picture. You are so worth the effort to do this! And be easy on yourself.  When you feel a struggle to change your thoughts, BREATHE, and remind yourself of a great memory in your life.  Start from there and repraise yourself 🙂

Enjoy a FANTABULOUS day!
